The United Way of Iredell County is thrilled to announce that we not only met our 2022-23 campaign goal, but we also exceeded it, reaching 104% of the goal! Thanks to the hard work of our campaign cabinet members, the generosity of corporate donors, as well as individual gifts, we were able to raise the necessary funds to support the important and on-going community investment work happening right here in Iredell County. This resource development achievement highlights our commitment to making a positive impact on the communities we serve across the county.
Kim Atwell, our 2022-23 Campaign Co-Chair, states: “We are so excited to announce this success in our first ever county-wide United Way campaign in Iredell County. This accomplishment happens because of the hard work, generosity, and commitment of so many companies and individuals from across our community. We had many new donors join this effort and so many of our long-standing supporters dug extra deep as well. The impact of this effort will be felt in tens of thousands of lives changed for the better during the year ahead. On behalf of all our friends and neighbors whose lives will be changed for the better, let me say a big thank you.”
Terri Phillips, our 2022-23 Campaign Co-chair states: “As the recently retired CEO of Hospice and Palliative Care of Iredell County, I’ve seen firsthand the difference these funds will make in our community. Families in crisis will find food and shelter; children struggling with grief will find comfort and community; our families will be healthier, stronger, and more successful; all because of the decisions made by our donors, volunteers, and advocates across this community. It’s been an honor to be part of such a generous whole county campaign, and we are grateful.”
We’d like to recognize the following community members who served on the 2022-23 campaign cabinet:
Kim Atwell, John Childress, Lisa Familo, Nelson Granade, Chris Nichols, Mike Nowell, Terri Phillip, Allison “Bubba” Simmons, Marlene Scott, Carla Steele.
Our Mission
The United Way of Iredell County improves our community and its people by uniting partners to meet local health and human service needs. We must all do our part, working United, to make our communities the places that we need them to be – equitable, respectful, and opportunity-filled.
We, as a society, can and must do better to guarantee that the basic human rights and freedoms of every person in every community are protected.
Our Charge
United Way of Iredell County fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Iredell County.