Project Description

For most people food is equated to love and there is no better setting or time to open an individual up for a new conversation than when they are enjoying a good meal. Neighbors of all income levels, ethnicity backgrounds, and beliefs will have a common table to foster new friendships in Iredell County.

Lead Sponsor

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The Longest Table GOAL:
To build a better sense of community through new relationships; using new connections to strengthen comradery in Iredell County.

Why are we planning a Longest Table event?

  • Food is Love. For most people food is equated to love and there is no better setting or time to open individuals up for a new conversation than when they are enjoying a good meal.
  • Neighbors of all income levels, ethnicity types, and beliefs will have a common table to foster new friendships in Iredell County.
  •  Building the basic introduction to new individuals can add to every-one’s confidence and ability to reach out to one another and bridge gaps in future community planning decisions.

Why does Iredell County need a Longest Table event?

  • Iredell County and the United States are divided in all aspects of life and need a common bridge to unite all citizens in conversations on problem solving and relationship building.
  • Nationally many communities are beginning to use this type of event to begin important conversations which are necessary foundation building tools for the area.